How to Find Your Community (via social media)

Who is YOUR community? It’s unique to each business or nonprofit--who are the vibrant, engaged accounts who can amplify your message, refer you, cheer you on? These are the accounts you should be following and engaging with. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to find your community on social platforms:

Create your list, your “Community Map” of people in your industry, mutually beneficial partnerships, take a 360 degree view of your community

Update and follow your Community Map quarterly for tagging strategy

When you follow a new account in your community, “like” the last 5-10 posts of that account so their posts will start showing up on your feed or add to favorites

Spend 5 minutes per day (or 10 minutes every other day) liking, commenting, sharing posts from your community, answering DMs/comments and clearing spam.

This will ensure your content is getting in front of the audience who needs you the most.