Planning your social media marketing for the upcoming holidays
/Are you already planning for the holidays? Now’s the time to get organized and make the most of the shopping season and to E N G A G E your audience!
How about incorporating a social media contest into your end of the year marketing strategy?
Here are some tips for you:
Run a seasonal giveaway. Focusing on a holiday theme and using a seasonal hashtag will expand your reach to potential new followers. Don’t forget to ask your audience to tag a contact or two and have them like your page as well!
Collaborate with a complementary brand - partner with a fellow business owner or a brand that has complementary products/services. Together, you can build prize packages that will attract a bigger audience.
Remember to clarify rules and eligibility requirements, cutoff dates and winner announcements.
Let us know how it goes! Tag us if you’d like us to share your IG giveaway with our audience!
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